I've been reading Francis Chan's book 'Crazy Love.' When I started the book I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it. I'd just read 'Sun Stand Still' and lets be honest, its hard to follow a book written by your own pastor. haha. I'm happy to report though, that this book is indescribably good, absolutely amazing. God has spoken to me through every page. In fact I've read most chapters twice. I've looked up every reference in the book. I really wanted to get the full effect of every word I suppose.
Chan writes at length about being a lukewarm Christian... if you can really even call you a Christian when you are lukewarm. He described the Christian life as being like swimming up stream. Sometimes you'll come to an obstacle. Sometimes the current will pull you down a little. But as long as you are always ACTIVELY swimming, pursuing Christ you're ok. But then I began to wonder... shouldn't it be more than just swimming up stream? Chan had then answer. I came to a chapter that I dare say is changing the way I look at my Christian life. Profile of the obsessed... here's just a FEW of the characteristics of someone who is totally in love with Christ. (paraphrased from Chan).
* People who are obsessed with Jesus give freely and openly. Obsessed people love those who love them.... AND THOSE WHO HATE THEM.
* People who are obsessed with Jesus care more about God's will and his kingdom being advanced on this earth than about their own safety or comfort.
* People who are obsessed with Jesus live lives that connect with the poor and needy. They know Jesus talked a lot about the poor because it was important to him.
* People obsessed with Jesus are more concerned with pleasing Jesus that fulfilling the status quo, obtaining wealth, or living the American dream.
* People obsessed with Jesus know that pride is a lifelong battle. They are continually seeking to be humble so that their good deeds might make Jesus known.
* People obsessed with Jesus know that service isn't a burden. Its a joy.
* People obsessed with Jesus give freely. They know that others matter just as much as they do.
* People obsessed with Jesus think about heaven. Their life is ultimately focused on eternity.
* People obsessed with Jesus is characterized by committed, settled passionate love for God. above and before every other thing and every other being.
* People who are obsessed with Jesus don't mask the ugliness of their sin. They are raw with God. He is their safe place and provides peace.
* People who are obsessed with Jesus know that Sunday morning isn't enough. they meditate on His words day and night.
* People who are obsessed with Jesus are more concerned with their character than with their comfort.
* People obsessed with Jesus know that true intimacy with God is impossible if they are trying pay God back or be worthy of his love. Instead they revel in their role as a chile of God.
These thoughts are changing the way I think about my faith. Hope they make you think too. Go get Chan's book. Its AMAZING.
Thank you for sharing your insight on Chan's new book with me . More importantly thank you for serving to remind me how I as a Christian should be and need to be conducting myself not just outwardly but in all aspects of my life-24/7/365 through my words thoughts and deeds.You are a special friend and sister in Christ and I miss you soo much!! I am going to attemot to give this blogging a try at some point however compared to you and Pastor Jonathan I am a Kindergartner or perhaps 1st grader at best;but alas we all start somewhere.